In the admin platform, offers are managed through the Offers Tab, which provides the following tools and functionalities:
1. Offers dashboard
The Offers Dashboard is the central hub in the Chimney Home Admin Platform where you can manage all product offers available to your account holders. From this dashboard, you can:
Offer list: Displays all the current offers in your system, showing essential information like:
Offer priority: Determines the order in which offers are shown to users. Higher-priority offers appear as the recommended option for eligible users.
Targeting criteria: Whether the offer is visible to all users or a specific subset (e.g., users with available home equity).
Product type: Shows the type of product associated with each offer.
Offer Status: Offers can be turned on or off instantly.
Edit/delete options: You can modify or remove offers directly from this view.
2. Offer targeting and prioritization
Setting an offers priority: To adjust the priority of an offer, simply drag offers in the order you want them displayed. This allows you to promote specific products. For example, if you're running a new campaign, you can drag that offer to the top, ensuring it's the first recommended offer users see.
Offer Targeting: Only users who qualify for an offer based on your targeting rules will see it. Offers can be customized based on user criteria, such as:
Display to all users
Target homeowners with borrowing power / tappable equity (e.g., eligible for a HELOC).
Custom targeting: Users with existing mortgages or home equity loans.
The offers management functionality in Chimney's admin platform gives financial institutions full control over product offerings, with real-time updates, customizable content, and flexible targeting options. By managing offer priorities, configuring detailed product information, and targeting specific user groups, the platform ensures that homeowners receive relevant, personalized offers, driving engagement and conversions efficiently.