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Configuring Custom Rates on Calculators
Updated over 2 months ago

If you have a rates table powering the rates across your website, you can update those automatically within Chimney's calculators. There are two ways to get your custom interest rates onto the calculators.

Using Query Parameters

Query parameters allow you to dynamically update your custom interest rates within the calculators. This can be accomplished in two ways:

  1. Via the Address Bar: Add query parameters directly to your website’s URL. For

  2. Via Embed Code: Append the query parameters to your calculator embed code. Here’s how you can modify the script by adding parameters and targeting specific fields through your Admin platform:<script src='<>'></script>

Identify and use the field ID to set dynamic values. For example, to set a 12-month term at an interest rate of 3.83% and an initial deposit of $1,000, your URL might look

In this setup, terms and interest rates use the period syntax to specify term lengths and rates, while other fields are straightforward values.

This technique is versatile, allowing you to dynamically adjust not only interest rates but also any input field on the calculator using the field’s ID.

For conceptual purposes only, here’s an example of how the code could look once it’s dynamically connected to the variables in your code that have access to the values of your interest rates and term lengths from the rates table.

<script src='<${term_length}=${interest_rate}>'></script>

Using the Zillow Integration (for Mortgage Rates Only)

For those using mortgage-related calculators, activating the Zillow integration provides daily updated national averages for mortgage rates, based on average FICO scores. This 'out of the box' solution requires no customizations:

  • Activating Zillow Integration: Enable this feature in the Advanced Customization section for calculators such as Mortgage, Mortgage Refinance, Home Affordability, and more.

Utilizing these methods keeps your calculators up-to-date with the latest rates, improving the accuracy and relevance of financial calculations on your site.

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